Thursday, March 29, 2007

Recently I was at the Mobile Meshwalk - . To sum it up in one word - Open.

Open to new creativity - The first part was to meet with different design teams that had a refreshingly different perspective. The design teams we met were Frog Designs, Ruby Red labs and Fuseproject. The most innovative mobile design I saw was Jawbone from Fuseproject

Open people - Among the participants were Orange, Entreprenuers, designers and other people involved in mobile topics. Most were willing to talk about different aspects of design that will solve the problems for mobile devices and services being consumed.

- User interaction - Design thoughts to overcome mobile input and display limitation
- Portal, On-device portal and SMS as a way to reach customers.
- New usages and implication on designing services.
- Community and mobility, Location and mobile

One thing that stuck me is what a participant mentioned - Entering SMS was such a pain until they made text entry through prediction(T9 function).

What will services and content consumption be like if we were to extend such functions for these services. Operators, handset manufacturers and internet players have their work cut out.

Open - format. I have to plug the organizers who seem to have realized that open air discussions with no set agenda allows for a new way of free thinking. I had a nice walk in the bay but the content was enriching.

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